Seki Budo Karate-do Renmei Kyokushin Karate Madagascar Kyokushin Karate Organisation(MKKO) conducted their annual Dan Promotion Test successfully on 17-11-2024 at the Madagascar Main Dojo where the following students succsessfully passed their Dan test.
The second Dan promotion test was held on 01-12-2024 under the supervision of Country Representative Sensei Rina Rakotobe and the Dan Test Committee, where Sempai Harena Rakotobe successfully passed his 3rd Dan test. He has practiced Kyokushin Karate for 25 years and is currently the Assistant Branch Chief of SBKR/MOKKO Madagascar. To complete the 3rd Dan test, he completed the relevant syllabus. This included Kihon, ido, Kata, Tameshiwari, and especially 29 continuous fighting sessions.
We extend our warmest congratulations to our new Sensei Harena Rakotobe.
Sensei Rina Rakotobe (Sandan) was the pioneer who introduced Kyokushin Karate to Madagascar after training under Shihan Keiji Sampei, Japan 25 years ago. He was then appointed as the Branch Chief of Seki Budo Karate-do Renmei Kyokushin Karate, Great Britain on 12-02-2019 and it is a matter of great joy that under his leadership, Kyokushin Karate is becoming popular and developing in Madagascar today.
Our warmest wishes for its future development with the new young generation.