Home Uncategorized The 2nd All Bengal SBKR Kyokushin Cup

The 2nd All Bengal SBKR Kyokushin Cup


The 2nd All Bengal SBKR Kyokushin Cup was held on the 28th & 29th of December 2024.

It is with great pleasure that we can say that our second All Bengal Open Championship has concluded with great success. I would like to express my gratitude to everyone who contributed to this.

Total Participants: 193
Organisations Participated are : IKO Matsushima  , IKO SoKyokushin , WKKO , IKO Sonoda, Shin Kyokushin , Kyokushin Kan , Kyokushin Budo Kai Kyodo Kyokushin , IBKO , & Our Own organisation. MORE THAN 10 DISTRICTS HAVE JOINED THIS TOURNAMENT.


Report by

Sensei Prithish Mukherjee (3rd Dan)
Oyama Fitness Association
SBKR Branch Chief West Bengal