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Seminar with Prasanna Fernando Shihan in the Netherlands

KBKS Seminar in Netherlands
KBKS Seminar in the Netherlands

On 23rd of February 2020, Kyokushinkai Budo Karate Shakai Netherlands branch organised a seminar for the development of Kyokushin Karate. This seminar was conducted by Saiko Shihan Prasanna Fernando from the United Kingdom. Saiko Shihan Roel Wildeboer(8th Dan) was invited as special instructors for the Kata seminar and  It was also a pleasure to welcome Shihan Willy Beernaert (7th Dan) from Belgium.

The seminar gathered about 45 participants. The events were held in a great atmosphere; we sincerely got impressed with all of your spirits for Kyokushin Karate & all together participated in this seminar as one Kyokushin family. It was a great success and thanks to all of the Shihans, Senseis, Senpais and students who participated in this event. KBKS Honbu would like to give very special thanks to our Branch chief of Rotterdam Sensei Bart van der Drift and his Dojo members. Osu!

Kumite Seminar led by Saiko Shihan Prasanna Fernando 
Kumite Seminar led by Saiko Shihan Prasanna Fernando

Special thanks to Sempai Cara Heuer from Germany for capturing some great memories at the seminar.Osu!