On the 5th of December 2020, Four KBKS students from the Tamil Nadu branch tested with the Shodan examination were held in Edappadi Salem, Tamil Nadu.
The Grading Panel: Sensei Chinnusamy (3rd Dan) Sempai Kumar Veeran(2ndDan) and Sempai Muniyan(1st Dan) A big thank to Sensei Chinnusamy and other members who came along to show their support.
Congratulations to everyone who passed the Dan examination.
Name New grade
K.Srinivasan Shodan
D.Manikandan Shodan
N.Nirmala Shodan
V.Deevasurya Shodan
Kyokushin Budo Karate Shakai International proud of you for pushing through these difficult times and showing that you Never Give Up! Many thanks to Sempai Veeran Kumar, Branch chief of Tamil Nadu branch, India for organising the examination for his students.