Official Invitation
Dear Shihan, Sensei, Sempai, Attleti, arbitration board
Sekai Budo Karate-do Renmei- Kyokushin Karate Italy is pleased to invite all of you to the European Open Championship which will be held on 7 TH and 8 TH May in Italy in the city of Catanzaro (Calabria). The event will be organized by the FIKK e DA comitato Calabria, Satori Dojo and the Sport Ring Catanzaro in collaboration with local authorities. soon we will send the specifics of the event with the registration times and the agreements activated with hotels and reception facilities. the airport of arrival is the international airport of Lamezia SUF. sure of your participation, the opportunity is welcome to extend cordial sporting greetings to all of you.
Catanzaro, lì 14/10/2021
Yours in Budo,
Shihan Danilo Russo
Branch chief of Calabria Region and Lazio Region, Italy
Sekai Budo Karate-do Renmei Kyokushin Karate
Important information,Hotels and participants fees
Participants Registration Form
Adults Men and Women Kumite Junior and Cadet’s Kumite Kata