The 2nd All India Summer Camp held in India ended very successfully. Our thanks to all those who contributed to compiling this and special thanks go out to West Bengal branch chief Sensei Pritish Mukherjee(3rd Dan) and the organizing team for their tremendous work. Osu!
The Report from West Bengal branch chief Sensei Pritish Mukherjee
From 31st May till 4th June 2023, the 2nd All India Summer Camp was held in the fantastic surrounding of the Digha Sea Side, Organised by Oyama Fitness Dojo Kolkata Branch affiliated member of Sekai Budo Karate-Do Renmei Kyokushin Karate International at West Bengal, India. Participant Countries: India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Netherlands, United Kingdom. It was a great opportunity to meet and train with people from other countries and we had some great days with hard training, the Judgers referees training, the Kyu Dan examination, and the branch chief meeting. 165 Karateka participated in the camp which is aimed towards the regional heads and many of the Dojos from India. Shihan Prasanna Fernando and Sensei Bart van der Drift focused on using various SBKR teaching methods for Kihon, Idoa, Kata, and kumite techniques.
Guest Participants From Nepal: Sensei Ram Bomjan (4th Dan)
Guest Participants from Sri Lanka. : Sensei Lakmal Cooray(3rd Dan) & Sensei Majula Preethi Viraj(3rd Dan)
Guest Instructor from the Netherlands: Sensei Bart van der Drift (3rd Dan)
Guest of honor from the United Kingdom Honbu: Saiko Shihan Prasanna Fernando
Participants from India :
From Delhi Sensei Abhishek Chandra (4th Dan)
From Kharagpur Sensei Narayan Tanti (3rd Dan)
From Purulia Sensei Naveen Singh (3rd Dan)
From Tamil Nadu Sempai Srinivas (2nd Dan)
From Kolkata Sempai Santanu (2nd Dan)
From Kolkata WB India Branch Sensei Prithish Mukherjee(3rd Dan) Sensei Soham Paul, Sensei Ranjit Roy , Sensei Dilip Kumar
We have conducted an International Seminar, Corner Judging & Centre Referring seminar with Bellow Strength altogether on the 3rd of June 2023. Kyu / Dan Promotion examination was held under the supervision of Saiko Shihan Prasanna Fernando together with other branch chiefs up to Sandan with Bellow Strength altogether on the 3rd of June 2023.